Our Mission, Values, and Vision


By grace through faith in Christ we reach out to all with His love and build each other up for service.


  • God's Grace
    We believe we have a relationship with God only by receiving His undeserved favor in Christ and we seek to share that same message of grace with all people.

  • Biblically Based
    We believe the Bible is the inspired Word of God which draws us to Christ our Savior and reveals to us how to confess, teach, and live the Christian life.

  • Christ-Centered Worship
    We believe Christ gives His gifts to us through the spoken, written, and sacramental Word and we respond with prayer, praise, and thanksgiving.

  • Spiritual Growth
    We believe God calls and equips us to grow as disciples of Christ.

  • Servant Minded
    We believe we have all received God-given gifts and are compelled by Christ’s love to serve Him by serving others.

  • Outreach Focused
    We believe we have a mission that lies outside ourselves to share the good news of Jesus with all people through actions and with words.

  • Christian Relationships
    We believe the Church is a community of believers gathered by the Spirit to live out our faith in Christ with one another.

  • Family Oriented
    We believe the Church supports the Christian home as a key place for nurturing the faith.

  • Living with Gratitude
    We believe that as people richly and abundantly blessed by God, we are called as a church to be good stewards of what God has entrusted to us for His mission.


A Growing Christian Community — Developing as Disciples — Faithfully Innovating

  • Growing as the Lord adds to His numbers those being saved.
    Gathered by the Holy Spirit around the Savior Jesus Christ, we who are many and diverse will be used together as one Body to reach out to all people with the love of Christ through acts of compassionate service and through telling the Good News of Jesus. As a people saved by grace through faith in Christ, we will be a welcoming people who share that same message of grace with all people so they too can receive Christ’s acceptance. We will see the mission field ripe for the harvest within our own region of southwest Wake County and as far as the ends of the earth. We will dedicate all that we are in Christ and the resources with which we have been entrusted to expand the loving rule of God.

  • Developing as disciples of Christ, building one another up to be like Christ.
    As we celebrate the sacraments of Baptism and Communion and hear the Good News of Jesus proclaimed, we will be fed and nourished by Christ and receive His forgiveness through faith for eternal salvation. By virtue of the Spirit’s working through these means of grace we will be shaped to walk through life the way Jesus walked, using every aspect of our lives to serve God by serving those around us. As we faithfully study God’s Word and devote ourselves to prayer, we will explore our God-given gifts and be equipped to use them in impacting lives for Jesus. As the Family of God, we will support His design for the Christian home as families raise their children in the love of the Lord. As a community of faith with the presence of Jesus among us, we will live out our Christian lives with one another in loving relationships so that others have a good opinion about our gracious God.

  • Faithfully innovating congregation, willing to try new ways and methods of ministry as we build upon the foundation of our core Lutheran beliefs.
    As faithful servants of Christ, we will strive for excellence in all that we do as we bring glory to God. As we grow in numbers and grow as disciples, we will share what we have learned with other congregations and organizations to help further the kingdom of God.