Rev. Dr. Jonathan Blanke, Senior Pastor







T: 919-851-7248, ext. 22



Pastor’s Corner for July 28-August 3, 2024

When the Plan Changes
(Mark 6:45-56)

Today you might miss something if you blink while reading the Gospel text from Mark. Did you notice the disciples didn’t end up where they were headed? If you read closely, you’ll notice that Jesus gets the disciples on the boat on their way to Bethsaida (6:45), a familiar place for three of Jesus’ disciples, Peter, Andrew, and Phillip (John 1:44) on the northeast side of the Sea of Galilee. But the place they finally end up after the storm isn’t Bethsaida at all. It’s a place called Gennesaret, on the western shore of the lake. Even though Jesus got everyone headed in the direction of Bethsaida, they are blown off course and end up in Gennesaret. And it is here that they once again encounter the swarms of people desperate to have Jesus heal their sick.

Was it God’s will that the disciples end up in Bethsaida — or Gennesaret? Mark never answers the question. What we know is that the disciples encountered a storm on their way to their destination… and the destination changed. Sure, there are stories in the Scriptures about folks who get sidetracked (or even go running 180 degrees away!) from the place God would have them go — think Jonah, for example. But this second storm account in Mark is evidence that sometimes the plan CAN change. At times like that what matters isn’t so much the destination. It’s that Jesus is present with everyone who cries out for help. It’s that Jesus is with his disciples even at their journey’s end, continuing to do what only He can do… rescue and heal all who are in need, wherever He encounters them.

Have you experienced something that could be identified as a course correction due to a storm in life? Jesus is there. You might be still straining at the oars. You might still be crying out for help. But Jesus is there. And if the plan does change? That change might seem like a big deal now, but it’s not too big a deal for God. God is there with you, no matter whether you end up in Bethsaida or Gennesaret. No matter where the storms in life take us, in Christ we know God will be there at the end of the trip, rescuing and healing us for all eternity.

As we live out the peace amid the storm that is ours through Christ this week, let’s leave the travel plans to our Lord. That might just give us the chance to focus more intentionally on the people we meet along the way!

In peace and joy,
Pastor Jonathan




Pastor Jonathan Blanke grew up in Richmond, Virginia. He received his Bachelor's degree from College of William and Mary in Virginia and attended Concordia Seminary in St. Louis, Missouri, where he earned a Masters of Divinity degree and a Doctor of Philosophy degree in Biblical Studies, Book of John. He served as a Vicar at Messiah Lutheran Church in Richardson, Texas.

The Blanke family lived in Japan while he served as pastor and missionary to Okinawa Lutheran Church and taught Biblical Studies at Japan Lutheran College in Tokyo.

Pastor Jonathan lived in southern Maryland from January 2014 to November 2019 and was thankful to have served as the Sole Pastor at Trinity Lutheran Church in Lexington Park, Maryland.

He and his wife, Juli, have two grown children. In his free time, Jonathan likes to travel, "play around" on the piano, and enjoy the outdoors.

Click HERE to view a brief video from Pastor Jonathan.