Care Ministry Team

Members of the care ministry team serve in a variety of ways: writing notes to guests, sending cards to members, or visiting the sick or homebound.

Contact: Church Office at


Breadshare provides meals for individuals or families who are homebound, recovering from a procedure, or a life event like a birth or death. Often during these times, preparing meals can be a burden. Meals are prepared and delivered by Breadshare volunteers.

Please let us know of any RLC members who are in need or if you are interested in joining Breadshare to provide meals. 

Contact: Diane Hoffmeister

Crisis Care Ministry

Qualified resources experienced in the areas of social work in North Carolina, financial advising, employment, etc. for non-members and members in need.

Contact: Church Office at

Neighborhood Group/Community Facilitator

Support and facilitate community with other RLC members based on your address or geographic location.

Contact: Pastor Jonathan Blanke

Resurrection Prayer Community

Members meet weekly to pray specifically for requests RLC received via worship services, phone calls, or the website.

Contact: Jamee Thieme

Resurrection Service Project

Assists elderly, infirmed, those in financial difficulty, and others in our congregation and community with home maintenance and repairs.

Contact: Tim Hiteshew

Stephen Ministry

RLC’s Stephen Ministers provide confidential, one-to-one Christian care to individuals in our congregation and community who are experiencing difficulties in their lives. Gifted lay people are trained to support and extend Christian care that pastors continue to provide.

Contact: Sue Campau