A God Who Speaks

Posted by Pastor Jonathan Blanke on

From the Pastor A God Who Speaks(John 10:27-28) August is that traditional time of year that all thoughts turn to the new school year. After a brief time of a well-earned rest and recreation, educators and students alike jump back into their school routine. This year, those preparations are...

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Communicating the Message

Posted by Pastor Jonathan Blanke on

From the Pastor Communicating the Message(Psalm 96/Romans 10:14 ) It can seem at times that technology is not our friend. Habitual smart-phone use has been linked to diminished cognitive function. Social media postings can promote hate and be a vehicle for bullying activity. The list goes on...

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The Need for a Quiet Place

Posted by Pastor Jonathan Blanke on

From the Pastor The Need for a Quiet Place(Mark 6:30-32) We’ve all had times that life’s balance has gotten a little lopsided and out of control. I remember when I first started serving as a pastor at a small, multilingual congregation not long after Juli and I were married. I had...

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Bearing One Another’s Burdens

Posted by Pastor Jonathan Blanke on

From the Pastor Bearing One Another’s Burdens(Galatians 6:2a; Philippians 2:4; 1 Thessalonians 5:11) Many years ago, when I traveled to Europe for the first time (before Juli and I were married), I heard and read about all kinds of horrible things happening to unwary foreigners there...

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Open Up Your Eyes to the Easter Surprise

Posted by Pastor Jonathan Blanke on

From the Pastor Open Up Your Eyes to the Easter Surprise(Mark 16:6-7; Ephesians 2:4-5) It is Holy Week as I put the finishing touches on this newsletter article for April. It is not yet Easter… but considering the month ahead it is hard NOT to think about that season of the church year...

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Is Sacrifice “Necessary”?

Posted by Pastor Jonathan Blanke on

From the Pastor Is Sacrifice “Necessary”?(Hebrews 10:18/Romans 12:1/2 Cor. 9:7-8) There’s a question I used to ask those who were relatively new to the Christian faith, to test their understanding of Christian doctrine. (I no longer ask the question; it’s a sort of...

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Renewing Light

Posted by Pastor Jonathan Blanke on

From the Pastor Renewing Light “Behold, I am making all things new!” (Revelation 21:5) Thus, speaks the One who is seated on His throne in heaven. The words are spoken at the End Time Final Judgement…as the new heaven and new earth is presented in answer to the old heaven...

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